On the evening of June 8, at least 24 students, including six girls, from the Hyderabad-Telangana based VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology were feared washed away by strong currents in the Beas near Thalot village in Mandi district of the Himachal Pradesh state, when a large quantity of water was allegedly released from the dam’s reservoir. Nearly 60 students on their way from Shimla to Manali had stopped near Thalot to walk to the River bank to take pictures with the Beas. However things went array when a sudden flow of water from the reservoir washed them away with in unlucky 24 minutes. The students were thrown into the middle of the river. While some managed to reach the bank, others were swept away. Some students were drowned while trying to save others, the students escaped from the tragedy said. It is not only the loss to the parents of deceased students, but to the Nation as well. Every child/young man is the hope of the Nation.

             Largi Electric Project authorities gave no sirens or hooters were not sounded to announce the release of water, the students escaped from the tragedy claimed. Where as the exact reason for the sudden release of water is still not known. Sources said Excess water is never discharged in the evening. The information on the current water level in the reservoir and how much water  particular water is released in the day is not available in the public domain. Water is released without prior warning, lives are lost. No one is punished for wrong operation before any time in previous incidents. For the time being , an FIR has been registered and the entire staff at the Largi Dam were suspended 

          This not the first time in the Indian history the people have been killed due to sudden release of water. In the year 2005, due to sudden release of water from the Narmada Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh Dam's reservoir swept away 150 pilgrims  Such incidents of reservoir mismanagement have taken place in other states as well, such as Uttarakhand, Karnataka, Sikkim and Tamil Nadu, but no responsibility was fixed and no one was held accountable. In 2011, a petition was filed in the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) blaming mismanagement of Hirakud Dam’s reservoir for the extreme floods in the state in September that year. The NHRC had even issued show-cause notice to the Odisha government. In this Manali tragedy,Himachal Pradesh High Court has taken SUO MOTU cognizance of the project authorities " Grave Negligence" and has given the state seven days to file a status report. 

           Telangana state and the Central Government had responded to this tragedy immediately to take proper measures. Telangana state send a Minister's high level delegation to give assistance to the victims and their families and to co-ordinate rescue operations. Himachal Govt ordered to probe in to the tragedy.  Massive search operations along the bank of river Beas taken up with the help of Central National Disaster Management Rescue Forces and different wings of local Administration. Rescue workers have recovered five bodied so far, while 19 others still missing. The chances of their survival are slim because of Cold and Silt in the water. Worried parents and jittery in HP are keeping their figures crossed,hoping rescuers  will find the survivals. We can only wish to give strength to the family members and bodies should be recovered as early as possible to perform the last rights by their family members and friends and well wishers. 

           There should be some sort of Check posts  for giving instructions and information about the Tourist spots and cautions/precautions to be taken in the tours to the  the outside visitors.

           Accountability has to be fixed and known to everyone. So that such incident does not repeat. 

       May their souls rest in peace. My prayers are with the departed souls and their family.

                                            -------PENDYALA VASUDEVARAO.
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